So it's testing time again...
You've been sat down with sharpened #2 pencils and fresh scrap paper at hand, and you're at the first question. You know the drill, you've learned the's all going perfectly... Until you start to fill in your answer.
The teacher jumps up and says "Wait! Stop right there!!"
Of course you're just clueless..this is a test, tests continue until the buzzer *dings*!
But teach says no.. pushes the test aside and says, "Now pay attention..this is the lesson.." and procedes to walk you through the lesson, stopping if you have any questions and helps you to understand. Then the teacher says, "Ok, so you've got the lesson you remember the key parts? Do you understand?" and walks you through. "Are you ready?"
You say yes. Your teacher nods and returns to the desk and the timer starts up again. Now you see, you're first answer was wrong, so you go to the one that's right- "Wait!!" the teacher cuts in again, the timer forgotten for the second time; the lesson book has been pulled back out. "Here's the lesson, let's go through it.."
If you haven't caught on yet: God is the teacher, you are the student. God is the ultimate teacher, and He will not give you a test without all the information and knowledge to pass that test.. but not only that, God will not give us a test that He knows we can not pass.
Did you get that?
If we can't A++ it, He's not going to give it to us! Sure, He may have to jump up many times and walk us through the same lesson before we get it right and can move onto the next question, or test; but He wants to write that big red A! God's sitting up front beaming and wiggling..not because He can't wait for us to fail, and point out all our mistakes...but in anticipation of marking that A! of saying "Good job! You are such a good student! I'm so proud of YOU!"
Abba loves us! And He loves to watch us pass the tests, but more than that He loves to watch us grasp, and understand the lesson He's given us. To continue in life and have that lesson there to be used.
So next time you're taking a test you feel you can not pass.. remember that if you raise your hand, just a little.. God's going to JUMP up, ready to go over what we may be missing in the lesson, and ace that test perfectly!
:) Amen