Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Little Things [they matter]

Remember that a little leavens the whole loaf (Galatians 5:9); just a drop of snake’s venom in your blood can still be fatal. It’s the little things that do count. God is willing to give the most unsuspecting person a makeover, but who takes a makeover, loves it for a little while then throws it out the window? It’s something you keep and build on.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Judging the right way.

I was listening to an awesome man of God preach some truth from Matthew 7:5; after listening I turned it off to go to the scriptures. When I turned to my Bible to look up the verse he was coming from, I noticed another verse that stuck out.

Judge not, that you be not judged.
Matthew 7:1 (NKJV)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Fellow Warriors...

God has up “Lost” posters everywhere. He stays up at night with tears in His eyes just aching for when those lost will return to what He originally created humanity for. He's got search parties organized and the house is set up and waiting for the return of the person who went astray (Luke 15:20-24).

You see, those who have not accepted Jesus into their life as their personal Savior, are not known by God… He longs for the lost, the Lord wants them back, and He’s asked His children to go out and open their eyes to the home they’ve been walking past for years as orphans.

In the midst of all this the one who convinced them that there is no God, no loving Abba, no hope and that they are alone; is doing everything he can to split up the search party. And so far he's doing a pretty good job...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

180 not a 360

How many times a day do we say something to someone, jokingly or not, and them realize we hurt them? What is our first response usually? "Oh well I didn't mean it" or "I was just kidding, geez..." The thing is though words do hurt. And it doesn't make someone bad at taking a joke when it hurts them.

The bible has something to say about this sort of thing:

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

When the Battles Come

Have you ever noticed the small words that are etched near the bottom of car’s side-windows? They tend to read: Objects in mirror are closer than they appear. I remember when I first learned how to read and discovered this short but very important detail here, I was awed. The things in the mirror didn’t look that close…